If you are looking for a self-denfense you can find it here, Eskrido is good for you to defense your-self in any situation.
you will be absolutely safe and confident to defense and control the attacker.
Free hand techniques in check hand, wrist hold colar hold release, wrist control and locks defense and defense for knife and gun pointed to the front, side and back of the body.
Techniques "
This is for the hardening of your blocking techniques to develop of your movement when the oponent made of a series an attack.
Practice every single day and you will see the improvement of your skill in combat.
World Eskrido Federation is base in Khamis Mushayt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia well re-organized by Grandmaster Ferdinand P. Salino an 8th. Degree Black Belt Chief instructor and acting executive examiner Eskrido (Eskrima - Combat Judo) this is all about of ARNIS and COMBAT JUDO fighting in long range & short range method, this is known as Larga Mano and Curto defense attack, counter and re-counter attack executing of combination locks, snatching, bone breaking tripping and throwing techniques.